What is this blog about?

Hi there. I'm Liz. Come read about my adventures studying China, the Chinese language, Chinese cooking and all things Chinese. This blog is a collection of anecdotes from my recent or recently-passed experiences - my thoughts, feelings, and conclusions regarding my attempt to become Chinese. Or sort of.

This will also serve as my travel blog, so when I am in places that are NOT China, you'll get to hear about those as well.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Job and Other Fun Stuff

Well, I suppose you can say that I'm finally back to blogging. Sort of. Sorry for the long delay - getting situation in my new job has been pretty hectic.

I guess the last time I posted was almost 2 months ago now. How time flies!

So what am I doing exactly (I still ask myself that sometimes)? I am a market analyst for a Chinese company that tracks and evaluates metal commodities. I track metals and spend all day speaking with people in the Americas (my part of the world to cover) and speaking in English and Spanish about prices and trends for different metals. Then, the analysts at my company write articles about the market and they get published on our web site, to which companies subscribe for the market intelligence. That's it in a nutshell.

My schedule is fairly erratic, and I am almost never home before 6:30. 6 if I'm lucky. I have been in the office until 8:00 p.m. however. Those days suck. And, of course, I am still in Pittsburgh. There are definitely worse places to be, but after all of those applications for graduate school and jobs in DC, New York and California, I find it to be a little more than ironic.

Anyhow, I'm thinking about subsequent posts and wondering what readers might enjoy next. I don't want to talk about my job - frankly, I spend all day here in the office thinking about metals and my blog was designed for the sole purpose of having fun. So, no shop talk here.

Any suggestions from cyberspace? Any and all are welcome!

And finally, we have had such amazing weather lately! It's about 75 today, cool breeze, low humidity, and the bright blue sky is populated with adorable popcorn clouds and a fantastic sun. I love days like these, except I hate that I have to spend them mostly indoors. I did go for an extended walk today on my lunch break, but that's hardly enough when the summer is almost at an end and I have had very few typical summer pleasures so far. Oh well, I suppose that's life and that's all there is to it. It is depressing, however, to constantly want more, more experiences, more fun more excitement, and you are bottled up in the office or in the confines of your own home where cleaning is the top priority. I suppose I have entered that parallel university they call.. Reality.

God, save me.

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