What is this blog about?

Hi there. I'm Liz. Come read about my adventures studying China, the Chinese language, Chinese cooking and all things Chinese. This blog is a collection of anecdotes from my recent or recently-passed experiences - my thoughts, feelings, and conclusions regarding my attempt to become Chinese. Or sort of.

This will also serve as my travel blog, so when I am in places that are NOT China, you'll get to hear about those as well.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Job Prospectives #2

So, I'm going to officially say THANK YOU to all of you who gave me good ju-ju!


I start tomorrow in my new position, as an International Markets Research Analyst with Asian Metal (http://www.asianmetal.com/).

Defintiely excited, but sad to be leaving the University of Pittsburgh. These people have made my first two years in the work force wonderful, flexible, happy, and with lots of time off. I cannot thank them enough for helping me to really enjoy my first two years (with minor exceptions).

But, alas, it's time to try and put my degree to use. I'll be calling companies in South America and doing research on the metals industry in South America, which means utilizing my Spanish. Which is awesome.
Plus, it's Chinese company, which does lots of conferences in China, so there should be ample opportunity to travel back to China! I am particularly excited about that. And, while most people wouldn't think the metals industry is very interesting, think about where the metal comes from that it in your car. Computer. Cell phone. Jewelry. Cook-ware. The list goes on and on.

And the metals industry is incredibly important to the development of both China and Latin America, insofar as the mining and refinery industries create jobs, and trade brings in money. So it's a great industry for my areas of research.

I suppose we'll see how interesting the iron ore/steel/scrap metal industry is.. That's my field of research..

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