What is this blog about?

Hi there. I'm Liz. Come read about my adventures studying China, the Chinese language, Chinese cooking and all things Chinese. This blog is a collection of anecdotes from my recent or recently-passed experiences - my thoughts, feelings, and conclusions regarding my attempt to become Chinese. Or sort of.

This will also serve as my travel blog, so when I am in places that are NOT China, you'll get to hear about those as well.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

What am I doing, exactly?

For some reason which I have yet to decipher in this jumble I like to call my mind, I have decided to study China and Chinese for my career and life's work. Not a particularly well-informed decision at the outset, it turned out to be one of the best decisions of my life - it has brought me more interesting opportunities and experiences that I can even begin to describe. Which is exactly why I have started this blog. During my first attempt at cooking Bourbon chicken (yeah, yeah I know, not exactly a truly Chinese dish, so sue me!) I made several mistakes glorious discoveries and realized that I had no one with whom I could share this plethora of wisdom. So, I will do my best to, once a day or once a week, post either a story from my times in China, or something interesting that I read or learned, or some new advice on Chinese cooking, all the while doing my best to make it interesting and lighthearted the whole way through. As of now, I think I'll be posting every day, but this will definitely change once the excitement of a new toy (e.g. my new blog) dies down and I have less to write about. It will probably be once a week.


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